Tuesday, April 6, 2010

12 days now!

Not even counting in weeks anymore- it gets a little more real every day! Today was a particularly busy. I got the number for my visa application, and booked an interview on Thursday in the Korean Embassy. Also got my tickets emailed to me. I'm leaving on Sunday week, the 18th April- the same day as Maconn Fionn, and the day after the party I had organised. Guess I can't drink *too* much that night, really don't wanna be hungover for a sixteen hour plane journey!
I spent the rest of the day sorting out all my belongings into three piles- bring, bin, and give away. I've loads of stuff to give away if anyone is interested. The clothes were the hardest part though. Throwing away what were admittedly rags, but rags that have been friends of mine for a very long time, was very very tough indeed. My mother was amazed that I could do it at all! It really is amazing, though, the stuff you accumulate that you don't need and never really use. I've a big chest full of the things I just couldn't bear to part with, and this will wait in the attic for me until I get home. The bring pile is very small indeed, and perhaps it's just aswell- I'm only allowed to bring 20 kilos with me.
The other big thing I did was visit the barber. I went in and asked her to make me look really neat. This involved cutting my (not too long, but not short) hair, and shaving my beard. Ouch! I've had that beard for a long time now, and it feels so weird to be without- the breeze blowing across my face, the smooth feel of the skin there. I still think of myself as a man with a beard though- it's just that now it's hidden under my skin. I then went into Boots' and bought rasors, shaving cream, aftershave- the works. If you're going to do something, do it right!
So here we go- 12 days and counting. But you know what? I'm going to wake up tomorrow, and it'll only be eleven! Tempus Fugit, my freinds...

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